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  1. S


    I guess like only 1/5th of the posters in this thread read the actual original post here where I commended what an excellent season #20 has had. Amazing.
  2. S


    Again, Williams played a good game before this. And he's really having a great season. What was bad about that play was that Mauigoa was already slowing the runner down somewhat…So it was an easy wrap up if Williams decided to do that. But no, he arrogantly went for a kill shot and got...
  3. S


    What the f**k are you talking about?
  4. S


    Again, not about it costing us the game, because no it didn't…About my surprise at him tweeting that NOW…after that play. It's mind-boggling to me. But in all fairness…13-6, if a field goal was good…At least gives the option to mix in a few runs if we are going to break down the whole...
  5. S


    Didn't say it was reason we lost…And didn't even bring up the horse caller…Horse collars happen and he was trying to stop a big player from turning into a TD. It happens.
  6. S


    No disagreement there. Maybe instead of 3-6…Love the overall direction the defenses is heading.
  7. S


    I didn't say he cost us the game You are clearly missing the point
  8. S


    Look I've defended James Williams a long time…Even through the penalties I've been a fan and think he's gotten a little better every year. And I actually think he is having an excellent season overall and have said it many times on this board week-to-weke. Has taken a clear step forward this...