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  1. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    We’ve had a lot of coaches come through here that refuse to adapt as well. So the concerns I do get I think Dawson gets it as well which is good. We will need all the playmakers we can get as we get into this tougher part of the schedule I think X is on pace to break the single season record...
  2. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    Yeah I get what you’re saying now more clearly ****ed up game all around. I also could be wrong but I don’t think Dawson or Mario ever really thought the game was in doubt. Like as long as we pound the rock and just do what we do with the guys we got it will work itself out Suddenly after...
  3. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    I actually went back and deleted that post but you got to it before I did Because even my response I’m like alright this conversation is getting off track I agree with what you guys are saying. You’re not knee jerk reacting to one loss like “PLAY THE BACKUPS AND FRESHMANS” 😂 I’m probably...
  4. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    I get it in some ways. Defenses don’t seem to be giving us the deep shots so it limits some things Same time I haven’t really seen any reason why any of those guys should be getting snaps over the starters Only explosive play from any of them was CJ and that was against Bethune which doesn’t...
  5. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    It’s not like our offense has been struggling and Harrell and RayRay have been on the field and gotten chances they just haven’t done much If the offense was struggling all year I could understand the clamoring for the backups but we’ve been rolling up until TVD hitting a bit of a rough patch
  6. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    “Go deep”
  7. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    This is a good point. You spend the first few games especially against weaker teams trying to finalize your guys We have done that for the most part so then it’s tough to just fit someone new back into the mix sometimes But I think Dawson wants to do it just not always as simple as taking...
  8. JHallCanes

    Tyler Harrell and Elijah Arroyo...

    Not for nothing but can I get a Horton sighting? All he did was make a game changing play against A&M and we haven’t seen it since (unless I missed it against GT I only caught part of the game)