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  1. Mikeiavelli

    Statistically Speaking

    But statistically over the season we sucked ***, and it resulted in our win loss total.
  2. Mikeiavelli

    Statistically Speaking

    Of course they dont, but statistical averages are good barometers.
  3. Mikeiavelli

    Statistically Speaking

    Yes in and out of our control. Bad plays by TVD early, bad calls by refs that helped GT in multiple game changing situations. Marios bad call. Giving up 75 yards in 2 plays. Probably lots of other things. They all compounded. Arguments can be made that it was all a snowball effect and the game...
  4. Mikeiavelli

    Statistically Speaking

    Ok, yes, last night was a debacle to end all debacles. Whatever could go wrong did. Things in and out of our control all came together. But, statistically speaking, through week six we have a top 10 total offense and a top 10 total defense. We also have a team with a vast majority of players...