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  1. Angry Ibis

    Mario is a problem on Offense Mopes get in here.

    The play, and now the quote -- both refreshing and exciting.
  2. Angry Ibis

    Mario is a problem on Offense Mopes get in here.

    Agreed. We absolutely NEED to heal up on the D line. The high quality depth just isn’t there. We’ve known that, but (un)fortunately (?) it bit us early - may be a blessing in disguise/may be the Achilles heel of the season (but let’s not borrow tomorrow’s trouble today)… Temple being away is...
  3. Angry Ibis

    Mario is a problem on Offense Mopes get in here.

    Moping is finding negativity when there isnt any to find, not pointing out negativity when it is there, but others don't want to hear it... Slurping... always seeing the glass is half full, even when it is filled with ****. Bully slurping is serving the **** to others and getting mad when they...
  4. Angry Ibis

    Mario is a problem on Offense Mopes get in here.

    Maybe they were objectively expressing this part: "A Miami offense that ranked No. 89 in the country in what was a dismal 5-7 debut season desperately needed a major overhaul."