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  1. GonzoCane

    Expectations for this season?

    Bourbon man. Maybe a little ice, that’s it.
  2. GonzoCane

    Expectations for this season?

    Didn’t say I liked it, but 20 years of underachieving will do that to you. I’ll wait and see. I will be excited to go to two games this year. Here in Philly and probably will travel to Boston, old stomping grounds for me. So there’s that.
  3. GonzoCane

    Expectations for this season?

    I’m seeing 7 wins as a reasonable expectation
  4. GonzoCane

    Expectations for this season?

    I think people realized it when we got run out of the building by a directional school from Tennessee, or they should have. Exactly why I think this will take some time. I applaud the staff and player personnell changes so far, but whether it all translates to double digit wins and a bowl game...
  5. GonzoCane

    Expectations for this season?

    7-5. Too old for Kool-Aid.