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  1. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    Attending camp this weekend
  2. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    Also tagged by T.A. Cunningham who we also have a lot of traction with right now
  3. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    Is this article about Bekkem? If so, we're in his top 3 now.
  4. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    Interesting, went to school w/Collins
  5. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    Got his offer today after Junior Day visit
  6. lindend

    2025 Bekkem Kritza High 4* QB from CA

    At Junior Day and looks like he had a great time.