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  1. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    What in the tutti fruitti balooti da fuggalugga are you talking about? Joo es talkeng crazee meng.
  2. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    Monte Kiffin would slay it on SoBe
  3. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    I copied this paint job on my AMC Pacer with krylon cans from Home Depot. Panty dropper.
  4. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    WHAT!!! Totally fallacitious! Several porsters think absolutely nothing wrong with a huge turnover rate in corches from Y1 to Y2. In fact, it is how well designed organizations and hiring processes actually work! You need to get yourself educated. I mean, it isn't like it was advertised our...
  5. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    Post video or didn't happen. 🤣🤣🤣 I am impressed however.
  6. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    CIS scholars have previously reviewed this topic in comments of porsts' past. With that said, I decided to take another look at the mechanics of whole-handed self-penetration. Full Disclosure: I've had 4 rum and cokes at a party. I also downed 2 cherry mash bourbons. A porster would need...
  7. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    It would appear either Miami "took what it could get Y1" or the corch hiring process needs a very serious review.
  8. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    He is at Meeeshegahn
  9. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans Harbaugh with three departures and one filled by internal promotion (so really two).
  10. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    This should be fun.
  11. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    You aren't painting a good picture here... Goodness I don't have the energy right now for the tampon brigrade...
  12. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    Very important to remember the departures are not inheirited staff. These are members he brought with... It's not as if Miami won the natty last year with #1 rated units top to bottom and Hecht is getting raided for leadership talent... Not all doom and gloom...just a touch of a head...
  13. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    What domino fell at Texans for Rod Wright to leave Miami's staff?
  14. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    a few of those are illegal in 27 countries.
  15. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

  16. Empirical Cane

    Rumor Rod Wright to Texans

    Probably some truth to it.