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  1. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

    Reading this Coley stuff nonstop I think the difference of opinion is there’s people that think if Hartline was our WR coach last year we would have landed elite WRs and other people like myself do not think so
  2. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

  3. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

    There’s a few undercover trolls in these threads It’s subtle and well done, but you can’t fool me
  4. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

    I’m picking up what you’re putting down
  5. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

    @Dwinstitles 😂
  6. JHallCanes

    SIAP- James Coley

    (No offense to the OP) There we go Let’s just get the same conversation that’s happening in 37 other threads to become consolidated here I haven’t yet heard from everyone that “I’m ok with him as a coach just not an OC” “Move Field to an off field role” “As long as he just recruits”...