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  1. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Ed O probably thinks this staff drinks too much. Where's @Cajuncane? I need him to translate this into Orgeroneese: "Those gentlemen consume alcohol in an irresponsible manner. I'm not desirous of a DUI charge."
  2. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    I personally find it hard to believe that any NFL team is being leveraged into a raise by a positions coach flirting with a lateral move back to college. The Niners had a nice year and Kyle Shanahan is a current offensive "golden boy/guru". Everyone on that staff is currently blessed with that...
  3. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    You're running a bit fast and loose with the label of "great" there, compadre. 😆
  4. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Tbh, I was surprised Hank even interviewed aside from just doing a courtesy to his alma mater. Can't imagine it did anything to raise his value in the NFL or even get any addl $ from the Niners.
  5. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Honestly asking and obviously excluding the Mirabal type of hires, has Mario ever actually landed his primary target in these coaching searches? Guidry?
  6. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Mario is the kid in high school that always needed the entire period to finish what was a 15 minute quiz for everyone else.....and still ended up getting mostly C's anyway. I'm not as down on the KB hire as some but Mario's "process" always makes these type of hires look like we ended up with...
  7. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    I'm not necessarily saying I totally disagree but this whole "Miami isn't that attractive a place to coach or for a positions corch" narrative needs a little more supporting evidence than most are providing. What is it exactly? It's not currently pay, facilities or the school's lack of embrace...
  8. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Trooper Taylor and Pep Hamilton have entered the chat.
  9. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Wait until Ed O has to be brought in to tell this staff to slow down on the boozing. Cutty Sark will say he heard things are out of control here. Bud Foster will be sending over his resume.
  10. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    All valid points and I'm obviously wondering what's going on in these interviews too. That said, you'd still kinda wonder why Reid would cape sooooo hard for the dude then and it's not like the NFL (while they probably should) has been hesitant at all in usually running directly TO the coaching...
  11. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    I don't doubt that's a distinct possibility but (unless I'm missing something) it is also a beyond rich view for the NFL to seemingly have as a whole. Same league that gives Deshaun Watson a trillion guaranteed dollars, has the likes of Dan Snyder and Jer-ruh Jones as owners but then are gonna...
  12. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    I don't think I've ever seen a head coach advocate for someone/anyone to offer one of his coordinators a head coaching job stronger than Andy Reid did like seconds after the Super Bowl ended. Repeatedly gave all the credit for the offensive scheming that won the game to Bieniemy. But...
  13. Tad Footeball

    WR Coach Candidates

    Kinda funny if you've ever met Papa Hartline though too. Complete opposite. Dale will chew your ear off and be the life of the party. Met the entire Hartline Clan years ago at a Dolphins charity golf event and then once again after at another function. What you're saying about Brian was...