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  1. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    DudeS. It was a double murder in Gainesville.
  2. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

  3. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    We shouldn't cast too many aspersions here though as it's only a matter of time before Guidry crashes an airboat directly into the side of the Miccosukee casino. The nurses at Kendall Regional will say this crazy gringo smells like Abita, Rumple Minze and cigarettes. He's not a smoker but that...
  4. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    Mario assembles a staff of world class drinkers. Hartline immediately goes and tries to show his boozing bonafides.
  5. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    That was probably JC. He's actually only 29. Working the W&D hustle at the 'Smart ages some dudes realllll hard.
  6. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    She divorced me earlier this year after I fake retired only to immediately go back to the my career and the boys at Brandsmart USA. Oldest washer/dryer salesman in the game but still putting up big numbers. It's my no-guava diet.
  7. Tad Footeball

    Brian Hartline

    In Bizzaro World, we would've actually lured Hartline here. Day is then forced to really give up playcalling to fill his vacant OC spot. OSU goes big.....and lures the Buffalo Bills OC to Columbus. I then proceed to die choking on my own vomit after drinking a Clorox Everclear martini but CIS...