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  1. Donny Donowitz


    Thank you!!! Their best wr last night was a Danny amendola clone.
  2. Donny Donowitz


    Brashad Smith as well. People on here acting like they don't want 5 star wrs, but in the next breath talk about us not getting 5 star wrs. I'm not saying we shouldn't go get another wr...but it doesn't concern me as much as the other needs we had that are getting filled. People on here...
  3. Donny Donowitz


    We will be able to move people at the LOS and give our QB a bit more time. If TVD can actually hit his receiver this year (he missed a lot of throws in the T A$M game) then we will compete. I think having restrepro back along with the TE becoming better overall without Mallory involved will help.
  4. Donny Donowitz


    All this talk about always wanting Trench guys and all I see is whining about WRs. Give me another good DT/DE and we are competing with everyone on our schedule next year.