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  1. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    Bump. If you would be happy or content to be TCU right now, you need to find another team. True Canes don’t want that ****. If Mario is legit, and keeps stacking talent, then we will be there within the next few years.
  2. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    Perfectly sums up my mindset. I always have to try to remember that the younger fans(under 30ish) don’t REALLY know what it’s like to be a powerhouse. I’d be just as upset if I’m Michigan than I am as a Cane. Two losers point blank
  3. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    I usually am chilling with a mixed drink, my wife and friends, and a cigar. I’m an alpha type guy by nature so I don’t do well with rambunctious parties where guys are all trying to win the macho award. I’d rather not even be there so things don’t go south.
  4. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    Cmon man. You know that’s not what I’m asking. Just seeing if we as a fan base would be content being a really good program(10-3) or if it’s being a top 4 type team every year is the only thing that would satisfy our thirst for greatness…
  5. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    I guess it’s just not in me. **** 10 wins and playing some BS bowl game. I’m swinging for the fences even with two strikes.
  6. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    I was paraphrasing. There’s an entire thread on how Dukes coach worked magic this year with his roster. It was just an example, don’t get hung up on that sentence. The question is at the beginning of my post…
  7. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    I understand that, but other than 2001, were any of us really happy with those other teams?
  8. D

    Serious question about our fan base…

    Would we be content with 10-4 or a record similar to that? We finished 3rd in recruiting so the whole “it would help with recruiting” argument is bogus. I have been a Canes fan for 30 years and I can tell you that 10-3 to me is a failure of a season. It’s better than what we’ve done in the...