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  1. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    We certainly need a lot of lawyers 😂 My business partner ended up going to law school. I’m like dude why? He’s like “tired of paying lawyers” Getting off topic though…I appreciate that man. Got some innovative stuff hopefully we can bring to the market to help people
  2. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    He is not. New Jersey actually. He does spend quite a bit of time down there though IIRC we were all down there back in March of 2022. He was taking his daughter on college tours through the country recently. She’s like 16 touring places like Duke and Harvard and loses her dad on thanksgiving...
  3. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    I appreciate this message very much. I think it’s one of those things where we get pretty caught up in what separates us as people, in reality we all are effected by the same types of things.
  4. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    Thanks man 🙏🏼 Guy is a pioneer in the health and supplement industry and just genuinely one of the best people walking the earth. Something came out of nowhere that he just couldn’t beat right in the middle of a huge project we were all working on, something that can hopefully benefit everyone...
  5. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    Cathartic thread Lost an incredible friend on thanksgiving this year after a severe health issue hit him out of nowhere. It still doesn’t make any sense to me. We went through this with him as well. We had the prep talk and the inevitable be prepared to say goodbye talk, but it’s never...
  6. JHallCanes

    RIP Coach Leach

    I agree Still odd to report to me unless given permission but that’s not really important I guess ******* awful news