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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    ` I can’t disagree with anything you wrote, except that I wonder how different the lack of interest in athletics is today from the past generation. 8 years ago (admittedly still this generation), my nephew was a McDonald’s high school all American and subsequently recruited by every university...
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    I think there is truth to what you and @Savage Cane are saying. Many athletes are good students, and many are not. But regardless, the ONLY chance most will have to obtain a college degree without going into debt is a scholarship. And many are unknowingly forfeiting their opportunity for a...
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    This is what should happen. Kids should not lose their ability to attend school on a scholarship because they aren’t as good as they, or the coaches expected, in their sport.
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    This is a great question. if its a 4 year scholarship as UM said it would start providing, as opposed to a 1 year renewable scholarship, then it would seem a player could jsut be a student and remain on campus.
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    Another example of the disaster that is the NC2A. Even when they try to help kids they ***** it up.
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    Correct. We know that the majority of college football players can’t afford to pay for college. And I concur 100% on student debt problems.
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    The transfer Portal and Graduation

    One issue I have not seen discussed anywhere is the negative impact the transfer portal will likely have on many kids ability to obtain a college degree. First, as a general rule when a student transfers from college A to college B, the student will lose some credits. Second, imagine the...