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  1. TouchMoney26

    Al blades --His Birthday!!

    we gotta get al blades to give that number to mcain
  2. TouchMoney26

    Al blades --His Birthday!!

    well. at least he doesnt claim to be good. he knows he will do well outside of football. onto the next tik tokers kam and James.. WTF.. Dam we got leaders.. need Mario to get us right .. seems impossible we our players but some 1 needs to become alpha.. 1st step is playing like one but we have...
  3. TouchMoney26

    Al blades --His Birthday!!

    Got players young men caring about their dam bdays more then females... difference between that ^^^ and this
  4. TouchMoney26

    Al blades --His Birthday!!

    " IT WASNT THE WINNING THAT LEAD TO THEIR SWAGGER- IT WAS THE SWAGGER THAT LEAD TO THE WINNING ------ WE GOT SOFT *** SWAG- NO SWAG ---- SOFT *** PLAYING......GET these soft *** kids out and well be good again. Mario will fix this. Trust!
  5. TouchMoney26

    Al blades --His Birthday!!

    Hope everybody wished their favorite player a happy bday. He cares so much about his bday man kid was thinking about it all day during the game saturday. I think he got body oil as an early gift they way he slips off tackles. soft tik tok cane----- once we get these soft kids out of our...