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  1. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    The conversation is not about why books exist. He and others here suggest every week all lines are made to bait people to bet it all on one side.
  2. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    It’s about not having a huge liability on one side. That’s it. Not marketability of the number.
  3. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    So we’ve gone from vegas coming up with lines that make people wanna bet, meaning they aren’t off of pure projections, to they make lines bc it’s their business lmao. I mean yea
  4. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    Wrong. It’s all projections made by computers. Setting a perfect line for both sides is not enticing to the masses. People bet when they believe they found an edge or for entertainment purposes. Trap lines to get people to bet, are few and far between.
  5. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    In a perfect world they set perfect opening lines and never have to move it bc it’s 50/50 both sides. They’re guaranteed to win on every game. They do not like having huge liabilities. The lines will be set whether people bet or not.
  6. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    “Lines are set to get people to bet” is wrong.
  7. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    You think vegas just makes up lines that they think people will bet on? No. They have billion dollar computers and algorithms that project games, totals etc. They make lines accordingly and move them based on what bettors do. This isn’t 1970 anymore.
  8. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

  9. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    You aren’t really wrong it technically is a rivalry game. It’s just a real strange ordeal in this area. Duke could be playing for a national title and they’d have 43 fans there. All while UNC and State fans would probably not even know Duke made it there. It would be the last segment on local...
  10. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    Prime time game against your “rival,” you have your best team in years, a win could get you to the top of the Coastal, and there wasn’t even traffic in Durham Saturday night. That game didn’t even lead the local news sports spot lmao. Not a single soul cares. What school we’re you at for 2 years?
  11. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    Carolina/Duke in football is not a rivalry in any real sense of the word. Yes they play for a trophy, but UNC cares more about long tenured series vs Wake and UVA than Duke. Their FSU-like rival in football is NC St and I’d even argue Miami is now 1B bc of the Coastal battle. Duke does not have...
  12. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    You people never stop with this.
  13. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line

    I said this in week 3 and got laughed at. I’ll be shocked if they don’t put up 28 or more. Hope I’m wrong.
  14. N

    UM-Duke Opening Line
