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  1. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    Evals go beyond star ratings. That's something our fanbase doesn't recognize. Diaz and his staff were HORRIFIC evaluators. Let's be honest, star rankings only cover things like athletic ability and size. A lot of these recruiting gurus don't know a **** thing about what makes for a...
  2. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    If an employer is treating you like trash, then call it out once you leave(GTFO ASAP). They would do the same about you if they were so inclined. Sorry, but I'm not for this bootlicking nonsense. The ONLY reason employers don't want employees speaking on things once they leave is that it's a...
  3. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    Promise, they caught some balls, and even then weren't factors for large stretches of the season. There's a reason why when push came to shove, none of them were expected to do anything. Again, Mario saw the film before he took the job, there's a reason why Miami tried to make a push for...
  4. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    What's funny is that this same fanbase had a problem with Diaz being overly diplomatic about EVERYTHING, instead of calling people out. It's almost like we have a lot of morons running around, whining for the sake of whining. If Miami's offense struggles throughout the season, then I expect...
  5. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    There's only so much you can develop in 8 months. Let's cut the BS, even the best coaches on planet earth can't fix guys that quickly, especially knowing that they can spend 20 hours per week with them, MAXIMUM. If it was only about development, Mario wouldn't have been so desperate to get...
  6. C

    Monday Media: Mario, Gattis and Steele

    Would you be? They can't catch, they aren't good blockers, they are taking up space. Honestly, Miami may be better off running 2-3 TEs instead and flexing Mallory out, or using Rooster and Parrish together, with Rooster as more of a slot guy on some packages...