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  1. SayWhat

    Parents, I've got a 9 year old.

    He's watched blips of games prior, but this year he's more into it. When I was younger, if we weren't off doing whatever, that's what we did. ****, I watched all kinds of sports, baseball spring training, Braves, etc. Now, all these electronics it's mostly what they care to do. They'd rather...
  2. SayWhat

    Parents, I've got a 9 year old.

    My Wife came with two and the oldest would rather hang himself than engage in anything sports related. The 12 year old is a big boy and loves playing football, but won't watch a second of it. The one we have together, not a lick of interest in playing football, soccer star, but gets all excited...
  3. SayWhat

    Parents, I've got a 9 year old.

    I'm sorry to hear about your father and thank you for sharing. My father isn't into the Canes, but I know I'd miss our talks come GameDay about them if we did once he passes.
  4. SayWhat

    Parents, I've got a 9 year old.

    He's all about watching us play, well, until he isn't. How do you keep their attention up with this team? I've said before that kids aren't interested in watching sports by and large, but he was so excited for this game to start. Said some cute *** things when a play would happen, always...