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  1. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    considering that, according to informed and intellgient porsters, i am a logophile, i'm here to provide edumacation to the unlearned.
  2. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    btw, i dont know *anything* about mack miller. I F@CKING HATE RAP MUSIC, but i remember hearing he was dead. my amygdala and hippocampus are intact.
  3. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    so scavo got fired by being promoted, amirite or amirite? (@hoops156, did i do it rite?)
  4. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    i thought mack miller was dead?
  5. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    please don´t lock the thread. we need the entertainment. one guy trashing the product of the greatest generation vs another flashing blood and money for credibility. his chic is next.
  6. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    what's wrong with boomers? they and their parents essentially f@cking made this country great. what have you yutes created? other than pronouns, wokeism and TikTok mariconeria. comemierda. like i was going to send you Dee's name via DM. you yutes live in a fantasy world.
  7. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    see my post above. also, i know Dee's real name. check you DM.
  8. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?
  9. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    he didn't hobble out, not even run out or walk out, because he was not on the sidelines. i sit just behind the medical tent area. speaking of that, there are a ton of assistants on the sidelines, 15-20 more than last year. it's f@cking crowded there.
  10. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    iirc, a former player, that enjoys high credibility, complained about some questionable ethical decisions that were made.
  11. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    thanks that's one of the best ways to remove someone that allegedly was not doing his job well. allegedly!
  12. rsa coral gables

    Scavo Gone?

    Considering some of the things we had heard here and Mario's wholesale changes to the program, i was wondering if Vinny Scavo and crew were still around. I noticed during Satuday's game that they seem to have been replaced. confirmation?