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  1. MainLineCane

    Florida ready to block Miami entry into SEC

    IF we're going anywhere, my choice would be for us to go to the B1G. I'm also positive that in this game of musical chairs we won't be someone left without a date Frankly, the thought of us in the SEC leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. Miami was always a force fit to the Southern profile...
  2. MainLineCane

    Florida ready to block Miami entry into SEC

    💯 Plus adding BC and maybe Stanford or Cal. That would be case closed as far as BIG city areas.and a tremendous, unbeatable NIL advantage All also have the highest academic standards Then NO conference could approach them academically or athletically Others IB1G should consider would be...
  3. MainLineCane

    Florida ready to block Miami entry into SEC

    That would be EPIC!! I wouldn't mind that at all, much better academic fit. Also, the B1G with the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, LA and S.FL recruiting areas virtually locked up!! That's very very hard to beat... and probably game over So UF 🖕FU ....who cares
  4. MainLineCane

    Florida ready to block Miami entry into SEC It's not like we didn't know this already