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  1. S

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    the latest is that they are both good for you
  2. S

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    I have friends in Hamburg and Munchen. None of them know Bender though....
  3. S

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    Back when I was a young pup I traveled extensively to South America, and at every company I visited, cafecito carts constantly toured the premises. I probably was drinking 10 or more shots a day.
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    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    check the research I posted
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    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    Favorite brand/roast?
  6. S

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!

    Even if its served to you by a Colombiana?
  7. S

    Off-Topic Something we can all agree on! Coffee!!!!