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  1. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    I see it, but come on man! No way! No phucking way Dude! If @Shurthing finds this to be true, he'll storm the Capitol. Wait a minute he already done that.
  2. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Thanks, but Elon Musk AA! Then I must be Super AA
  3. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Please share the book. The premise you just stated, addresses my primary premise. That the Governmental Officials doing these things are White. It's not an indictment on all White People, but an attempt to show who is really causing Americas problems.
  4. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    They allow hunting guns, but even those are so tightly regulated it's almost impossible. IDK what their processes are.
  5. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    The problem is people want somebody to tell them what to think or only read someone who shares their opinion.
  6. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Not true! I'm far to smart to call every White person a racist. Without the Just and Moral White peoples who wants America to live up to it's Constitution and Bill of Rights, no telling where we'd be. To all the White Peoples who believe in Democracy, The Constitution and Civil Rights, Thank...
  7. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    I read often, but only fiction as an escape. America is so divided I worry about my grandkid's future and safety. I think we both know some ugly stuff coming. Seriously considered moving to England or a Scandinavian country (no guns) but didn't want to leave my son or daughter behind in these...
  8. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    He got an A for the course. He ended up graduating with Honors in Public Administration. I earned an MBA in 1989 from USF.
  9. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    Mine is all marked up with highlighter and notes. Times have changed, but a lot of the insights are incredible. Like to hear your thoughts even if you don't read the whole book. I think you'll find the Northern Cali campground very interesting.
  10. Billy D Williams

    Off-Topic Read This Book for Insight

    I know I come off strong sometimes, but I really try to base my opinions off "Empirical" research vs someone's opinion or talking head rabble riser, @Suhrthing. Took a class years ago for a friend that worked long hours and was trying to complete his degree. One of the textbooks was "Who Rules...