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  1. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Hahaha. That was is region-wide. A derivative of "nebnose" or the more caustic "neb****".
  2. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Funny how those two dialects are just separated by Pennsyltucky and a little weird bubble of Happy Pedo Valley. Did you watch Mare of Easttown? There was some crazy attempts at the Philly accent in that. Kinda like the Bawlmore accent in We Own This City now.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Jimmy Larranaga especially!
  4. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Don't be nebby ya jagoff! Pass me an Arn City!
  5. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Hahaha. Bro-speak definitely eventually overpowered Yinz-speak in my personal vernacular.
  6. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Not sure if this is any of you guys or if anyone knows him but bro deserves a pat on the back. Subjected myself to the torture of listening to Ol' Pawlllll today and this dude actually got on. Not only did he stop Finebawllllm in his tracks and immediately shut down his condescension (something...
  7. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    That clown moron is absolutely one of the worst. I'm sure Dipsh!t Davey Pollack will one up him on this front though.
  8. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    That just ends up with Puertoricancane getting jumped by two lingering F1 and Miami Open fans as he tries to figure out where the Blue Lot actually is at the redesigned Hard Kock Sports & Future Waterpark Annex.
  9. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    They should just shoot a new one with Mario and Cuckbo. Sabag would lose his mind.
  10. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    This has all been pretty much referenced but my belief in that Sabag really effed up last night is based in the national media essentially HAVING to cover it now and finally give oxygen to what we've all known to be true about Baga forever. Sabag in his petulance made two mistakes. He spoke so...
  11. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Bruce (immediately calling Mario): Hey buddy! So listen, I need a quote from "a former SEC assistant". Mario: I got you, papi. Bruce: Cool. Cool. Listen, that article about how Miami is actually doing this all the right way and should be the standard for actual NIL practices is going to drop...
  12. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    I may go home and burn my sofa and do a bunch of meth and fentanyl just to maintain this vibe. Not gonna bang my sister though. I only commit to the joke to a certain line.
  13. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Haha. You know exactly what the "our people" means. Sabag and even the Dabo types are playing a potentially dangerous game here if they keep running their mouths and the return fire starts to bring race into the equation. That front stops being ignored realllll quick when you're not the...
  14. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Not to mention that if Ruiz is ever actually worth $20B that it'd probably be moar than ALL of Baga's biggest boosters (of the entire school not just athletics) COMBINED. Again, I'm not saying they won't be fine in keeping up but people have always overestimated the legit BIG money individuals...
  15. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Exactly. Me saying a "bunch" of schools was even overstating the threat to Sabag. It's really more like a handful that are encroaching upon his safe space and now he's triggered.
  16. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Exactly. They're essentially one more inevitable major court ruling against them from being rendered extinct- at least in terms of major programs in football and probably hoops.
  17. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Sabag can be such an overreacting whiny *****/petulant child that this probably the perfect symbolic physical manifestation of how angry and sad he is right now...
  18. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Was that Ol' Gene Wojciechowski of eSECpn sitting on stage with him yesterday too? It ain't right but one can understand the local hilljack Alabamy media incessantly slurping him and providing a bubble of protection. It's high time that the rest of college football start calling out the national...
  19. Tad Footeball

    Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

    Ruiz should post this if things continue to escalate with Baga and Sabag.