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  1. JHallCanes

    Coach Felds Biggest Beneficiaries

    Agreed I never got to see anything in person but in general I think he did a good job just from a results standpoint People jump to the short yardage issues we had as some sort of bizarre overall indictment of our football team
  2. JHallCanes

    Coach Felds Biggest Beneficiaries

    I didn’t say anything about low bar squats but alright Saying something so spectacularly ignorant like “fat powerlifters” tells me all I need to know
  3. JHallCanes

    Coach Felds Biggest Beneficiaries

    I would love to get down there and see some workouts first hand I will say I am very optimistic about him It’s just easier to train better athletes that are truly all in about football and I’m also hoping that Mario handles that part well (recruiting coachable kids I should say)
  4. JHallCanes

    Coach Felds Biggest Beneficiaries

    Cool thing about squats is there’s a lot of different types of squats that can be used for more explosive type moves. Football moves etc
  5. JHallCanes

    Coach Felds Biggest Beneficiaries

    Bissainthe is one for me. Flexibility and strength seem to be Feld’s focus (though I suppose any S&C coach worth his salt would feel the same) Good list though for sure