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  1. Tad Footeball

    SIAP Bubba Mcdowell

    It didn't land but was still one of the highlights of my NFL watching youth!
  2. Tad Footeball

    SIAP Bubba Mcdowell

    My Steelers had quite the rivalry with them back when Glanville was there. They had good teams with Warren Moon, Haywood Jeffries, Bruce Matthews, Mike Munchak and of course Zo and McDowell.
  3. Tad Footeball

    SIAP Bubba Mcdowell

    Nice. I'm too lazy to even try to compile it but it would be cool if we had a master list somewhere of all the former Canes still employed in football. Get all the front office NFL guys and then guys like McDowell now and Tiger Clark as HCs at smaller schools.