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  1. C

    Forget a new stadium for a sec...

    Those same taxpayers are now going to pay at least 3 times what UMiami had requested, for Marlins Stadium. Oh, did I mention that the Marlins put up **** near nothing and receive all the revenue? At least with the OB renovations, the University was willing to chip in, in exchange for an...
  2. C

    Forget a new stadium for a sec...

    The con job was Diaz Sr. convincing our dumbass fanbase that his poison pill offer was legitimate and then blaming the University for not spending hundreds of millions of dollars to renovate a facility that we would NEVER own. That's the con. By the way, the deal they made is one of the worst...
  3. C

    Forget a new stadium for a sec...

    No one doesn't like the concept, the problem is that it's unworkable anywhere near campus, and it's cost prohibitive unless someone pays full freight.
  4. C

    Forget a new stadium for a sec...

    The emphasis is IF YOU CAN. That is the problem. Miami building a facility, just for the sake of it, just in case of some random event is pointless. Miami is in the same boat as Pitt, UCLA and other major schools located in a major city, where they don't have space available for a stadium...
  5. C

    Forget a new stadium for a sec...

    Let's walk through this AGAIN, because some of you refuse to understand what actually happened. in 2004 the Voters approved a bond package to renovate the OB. Unfortunately, the bond package didn't come close to doing anything other than keeping the building from collapsing on itself, and even...