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  1. L

    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    Shhiittt…with the rumored new budget. He can bring the playbook, old man and Ken Dorsey
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    Also.. I’m not saying Brady is trash or wouldn’t be a good hire but the NFL exposes all flaws. Lashelee took a beaten the past two years from CIS and I think he is a better OC than Brady.
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    Tom Herman Jeff Lebby Graham Harrell Zach Kittley Sean Gleeson David Yost Even Goofy *** Dan Mullen would be great OC. That ***** don’t recruit tho. Garret Riley Kendal Briles Shannon Dawson Never would happen but Art Briles These names off the top of my head. @Liberty City El made post...
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    You can find better coaches that runs the air raid spread with more play calling experience and can recruit.
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    He didn’t even design the offense, Sean Payton did that part. He took the playbook and let the old man call 80% of the game.
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    The NFL is a different beast. It is X’s and O’s 24/7. The smallest things will get exposed. He failed at the NFL level but it doesn’t mean he is not a prefect fit for the Hurricanes. I personally have my doubts about him but I wouldn’t be mad if he becomes our OC either
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    Panthers fire Joe Brady

    @OldhamA has been saying he was on thin ice for weeks