Search results

  1. F

    Here's what I know

    So many excuses for the Stanford loss but there is always an answer. The other one is Moorhead was gone. They scored 24 points against Stanford. Moorhead was back against Cal and guess how many points they scored? 24
  2. F

    Here's what I know

    You joke but Coach L is Cuban too.
  3. F

    Here's what I know

    As long as the goal is to hire a coach that when you have a good team is gonna corch his way to a couple of mind numbing losses and cost you a shot at the playoff then we’re on the right track. Losing games happen but not getting the most out of your team and players is what he does. Which means...
  4. F

    Here's what I know

    As long as the competition is all the terrible coaches that came before him then sure lets bring him in. But are the finalists Mario, Shannon, Golden, Richt and Diaz? Or are there multiple successful coaches who see Miami willing to spend money and would be excited to be here?
  5. F

    Here's what I know

    What exactly does top 10 wins get you when you follow them up with bad conference losses? Miami had a top 5 win in 2017 then lost to Pitt. Were you singing the praises of that Richt win on that Friday afternoon after the Pitt loss? Maybe you like the superficialness of graphics that show up on...
  6. F

    Here's what I know

    He's 8-8 in road games in the Pac-12. So when we doesn't play top 10 teams and goes on the road in conference there is a 50/50 proposition that he'd lose. We're going to play far more road games in conference than top 10 teams and yet the games that happen with less frequency of are more importance.
  7. F

    Here's what I know

    You can judge on the previous three seasons too. This is who he is. The article about Herbert being handcuffed has made the rounds. He has a philosophy and expecting it to change just because he's at Miami is asking alot. Why would he change? He's gotten to where he is playing offense that way.
  8. F

    Here's what I know

    So guys who have no background in hiring coaches. Yet they've got a number 1 and want an AD to fall in line. Perfect
  9. F

    Here's what I know

    Exactly who should we be trusting to make those evaluations? What Miami person who was employed at the time of the Michigan State loss has any background in hiring coaches? "We've been evaluating since Michigan State". Was that supposed make anyone feel good?
  10. F

    Here's what I know

    Why do you think Lashlee chose Miami over Oregon? Could it be that Manny gave Lashlee free run and Mario didn't? If Mario retains Lashlee, Lashlee will run the offense Mario wants and if you think we're gonna see what we've seen in TVD's best moments you're mistaken. Mario will look at some of...
  11. F

    Here's what I know

    People trying to make this about Mario vs Lane because you can rip Lane's travels and off the field stuff to shreds. This isn't it. It is Mario vs The Field(Realistic). Trying to convince any right thinking person that Mario should be the clear target when you have the entire country to find a...
  12. F

    Here's what I know

    Lane Kiffin is on track for his 4th 10 win season. What is the lack of substance that you speak of?
  13. F

    Here's what I know

    Lane is one win away from a 10 win season in the SEC West in his second year.
  14. F

    Here's what I know

    This is wrong The only reason those searches went the way they did because we weren't doing what it took to get a guy of that caliber. And the only reason a guy like Mario overrated though he is is considering Miami because we're now willing to spend. If we were willing to do what it took to be...
  15. F

    Here's what I know

    It is cronyism and nepotism because Mario is related to one of the power brokers
  16. F

    Here's what I know

    No you’re counting it and I’m not. You continue to somehow forget the circumstances of that “2nd title” consistently in posts referencing those accomplishments. Frankly it’s moving the goalpost nonsense to say “whose your candidate” when the deck is stacked so in favor of one guy. If this was...
  17. F

    Here's what I know

    He developed Corral into what he is today. Oh and Lane is on pace to go 10-2 in the toughest division in the sport in his second year. If you think Lane with Mario’s talent advantage would be in 4th quarter games with Cal, Washington and Arizona you’re out of it.
  18. F

    Here's what I know

    Lol the screwy Covid year. You mean the year that allowed him to finish third in the division and make the title game because Washington had Covid. He was helped more than hurt. 8-8 in conference road games while playing in the worst division in the Power 5. Those recruiting numbers don’t help...
  19. F

    Here's what I know

    So you mean after people started to actually look into his resume flaws started to emerge. If only the Columbus Crew was as thorough as some message board posters who watch college football and use google.
  20. F

    Here's what I know

    Would they if that custodial company was run by one of their high school buddies?