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  1. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Read that early this am. Said max was up to almost 55 years with extra charges.
  2. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Oh ok, thanks for the update.
  3. N

    Henry Ruggs

    I'm sure it was quick, I didn't look at a lot of the nitty gritty details, time of accident and time first video appears. If that was my family member, I would like to think that somebody at least attempted to come to her aide. 🤷‍♂️
  4. N

    Henry Ruggs

    I guess what confused me his girl said the other person was screaming and then said unconscious. Wouldn't think you would know that unless you were by the victims car. Could be flames were already overwhelming when they came to and got out of the vehicle.
  5. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Maybe this has been answered already, did they attempt to help the young woman out of the car. Did they wreck, get out of the car, sit on the ground all while hearing the woman scream yet not attempt to help her? Don't see anyone checking on her in the videos for a long time.
  6. N

    Henry Ruggs

  7. N

    Henry Ruggs

    His speed in the accident probably eliminates any substantial plea down. I think I read he is looking at almost 30 years max with charges now.
  8. N

    Henry Ruggs

    He about to do 20 years.
  9. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Yeah which is ironic when people ask how this happens. Called impairment for a reason.
  10. N

    Henry Ruggs

    How is it lazy? You think it is easy to forgive people? We live in different worlds bro. All I see is hatred, bitterness, people basking on humiliating others, complete lack of all morality, and little to no forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't for the person that did the wrong, it is for you. How...
  11. N

    Henry Ruggs

    I was surprised they didn't mention if they did a blood draw.
  12. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Trending in society is to get closer to the max than the minimum.
  13. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Wouldn't be surprised if they were under contract. Non disclosure agreements and all.
  14. N

    Henry Ruggs

    That was my thinking. I'm pretty sure the organizations have a lot of transportation at their fingertips.
  15. N

    Henry Ruggs

    I see everybody mentioning ride shares, do celebrities actually use them? Genuinely curious. I would think in a world where everything is recorded, videos put online, that wouldn't be ideal for intoxicated celebrities.
  16. N

    Henry Ruggs

    I've seen the results from people that chose to hang on to the hatred. Not a healthy life.
  17. N

    Henry Ruggs

    You know why that is being thrown around. The world we live in.
  18. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Forgiveness is the only way. Takes far more courage to forgive than hate.
  19. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Lack of body fat would probably rule out 2-3 drinks.
  20. N

    Henry Ruggs

    Was he the guy that plowed into the mail truck? So many of these I can't keep up.