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  1. who


    Again, wanting losses to ensure Blake and Manny goes =/ not supporting the players. But that’s fine. Agree to disagree.
  2. who


    But we’re not dominating the other team. These kids are flashing but wins are being squeaked out due to coaching. Nothing matters more to me than getting Blake and Manny out. Wins are in conflict of that. I don’t see it as rooting against these kids if I don’t want to escape with a 1pt win and...
  3. who


    That’s the thing. We do. Our problem is that we are not committed to returning to the top. BOT just needs the smallest reason to keep them both. We keep winning - both stays. That simple. Remember it took his predecessors to have an extreme loss to get the boot. Our best best was for UNC to...
  4. who


    What gives you the confidence Blake will go if Manny goes on a run here? Blake can point to how his conversations with Manny and that public statement he made turned the season around. He made the coach accountable. And as I understood it, he has a lot of supporters on the BOT.
  5. who


    Is it enough? Manny wins out, that’ll put him at 8-4 which is exactly what the school wants while they continue to cash in the ACC checks. Even slightly above .500 is good enough for them. His narrative is how his experienced players got injured and how much the next man up freshmen are...