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  1. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    That is more so what I meant but it is based off of nothing other than what basically came out in the Lake report.
  2. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    I agree with everything here. I just have not seen the BOT act yet and am hesitant to trust they will. Maybe it’s a personal problem lol. Like I said earlier, I am rooting hard for us every game and will just have to hope the right people make the right decisions.
  3. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    If that is the case then do you have a reason as to why Blake James is currently employed by UM?
  4. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    I didnt mean for it to come out as blunt as it did. I feel like the rest of the conversation was more civil. Sorry.
  5. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    That’s how I felt until they didn’t act. We win out and all the national pressure will be gone. They will be talking about what a turnaround we had and how great Blake was for not acting too rash and firing Manny.
  6. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    I agree it is way more important. But what is the BoT waiting for? This should have been done 3 years ago. Why is he still here? That is all I am trying to say. The BoT should have done this already. He is a beta btch who hired a coach behind their back, turtled, then tried to play tough guy...
  7. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    2 weeks ago Miami had just lost their 6th straight P5 game. Why have they not been fired yet?
  8. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    If that is the case he should have been forced out by now. We have sucked enough over the last 3 years to not pull the trigger on a guy who supposedly acted behind their back. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  9. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    Right. The former mayor of Miami definitely doesn’t have any blackmail on the BoT. I am a Miami grad during the few years this school was actually nationally respected academically.
  10. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    I hope so. And I cannot watch these games and root against Miami even if I tried. But I completely understand why people do. They believe it increases the chance of change. Why did these BoT members that care now allow Blake to hire Manny in the first place?
  11. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    Ok regardless. The BoT has let this program sink down here I am not going to blindly expect them to do a thing especially if we finish 9-4.
  12. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    Yet his son gets hired without any qualifications and not fired after losing game after game. Then reports come out that he did convince the BoT to hold off on firing Manny. Hmmmmm. Probably paid BJ off.
  13. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    If this coach was not related to Manny Sr he would have been fired after UNC 100%. You know nothing stop pretending like you’re some insider. You aren’t.
  14. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    He hired Manny Srs son. You think Manny Sr who has been controlling the BOT wants a new AD in here? If they win out the BoT will do what they do best. Nothing.
  15. C

    SOY BOY BETA CUCKS that cheer for losses - COME GET SOME

    What happens when Blake isn’t fired after an 8-4 finish?