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  1. hoops156


    he was pulled over bc his car had a sunscreen material. the **** is that? and the cop said hodges was displaying abnormal behavior. im glad miami dade isnt prosecuting weed bc this is all so ridiculous.
  2. hoops156


    yeah they should stick to opioids that hand out like candy to deal with pain. we dont have a national issue or anything w pain pills
  3. hoops156


    i mean he was suspended from the spring game and no one knew why. pretty crazy how none of it leaked to the media till now, which is obviously due to the county speaking
  4. hoops156


  5. hoops156


    theyre still getting people on weed? jesus give it up cops. need to know more about the first one -- was he at a traffic stop? i guess it doesnt really matter since hes not being charged. amazing how it was kept under wraps till the county leaked it just now. manny really doesnt let stuff he...
  6. hoops156


  7. hoops156


    SIAP -- saw a herald article on Hodges and Miami Dade Prosecutors decision to not charge. behind a paywall so couldnt access. anyone know whats up?