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  1. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    You’re not paying the slightest bit of attention if you think that’s even remotely what I’m talking about.
  2. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

  3. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    LOL. You couldn’t be more wrong on all that.
  4. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    I don’t know where these dudes got the idea that position coaches are autonomous mini HCs who run their own team within the team with no input from the HC. The HC is the boss just like any other deal, and if he’s a strong boss he’s not going to hesitate to tell an underling what to do.
  5. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    LOL. You guys apparently never been around any controlling HCs to think they all let a position coach make all the calls on who plays and how much they play. Apparently, you’ve never watched a Baga game. You think Sabag is going to hesitate to tell some position coach who he wants on the field...
  6. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    HC has final say over everything. Do they micromanage during games? Depends on the HC? Does the decision on who gets PT during a game only get made during the game, or can that collaboration happen during the week leading up to the game? Do you really think the following conversation would be...
  7. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    HC has final say over EVERYTHING. You guys think position coaches can overrule a HC? Come on.
  8. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    Never happens. Coaches are infallible and never fck up. That's why they all win championships all the time and never get fired.
  9. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    It's OK if you can't see it. You'll see it afterward like most other people do. You're one of those dudes who is just now getting on the Yeezy 350's. I'd love to sit down with you one day and watch a game with you and show you what to look for.
  10. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    There's actually plenty of information if you're paying attention. When you know football, you see one WR constantly getting open in his very limited reps and making great plays on the ball and jumping off the screen, and you see the same two guys getting abused by freshman CBs and dropping...
  11. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    Why do they keep signing groups of WRs that they have no confidence in?
  12. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    It’s always some dopey excuses here, yet better teams manage to rely heavily on true Freshmans regularly.
  13. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    It’s on the coaches to play the right guys. They’re not getting paid millions to have the best practices; they’re getting paid to win games, and you do that by playing the best guys and putting them in the best possible system and motivating the fck out of them. I’m tired of “but yeah Plop...
  14. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    lol this dude still claiming conspiracy theories and can’t accept the fact that coaches make personnel mistakes all the fcking time that have nothing to do with them being BFF with anyone. How about all the nfl teams that draft the wrong guys? Is that a dopey conspiracy too or just human error...
  15. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    He’s not a football fan. He’s a Manny fan. He couldn’t name 3 players on Oklahoma’s team.
  16. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    The answer is no if you want to act like a snippy queen. Get those long fingernails going wagging your finger in my face, adjust your wig, and say it super sassy: So the answer is no, bytch!! And then turn away really quickly and sashay out of the room extra fierce swinging your hips back and...
  17. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    Oklahoma had huge issues with COVID. In fact, most programs had bigger COVID issues than we did.
  18. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    How much practice does a kid who’s been playing WR all his life need to learn a couple routes? You guys way overestimate the need for apprenticing at WR. It’s an easy position for a guy like Smith in an easy offense like ours. We ain’t teaching him the Bill Walsh West Coast Offense.
  19. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    Until they see a guy win the Heisman they have zero feel for their ability.
  20. The Franchise

    Is Keyshawn Smith our best WR

    They had COVID all season?