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  1. B

    Da Hoyas!

    Hoya as well class of ‘91. We blew today but Colorado played flawlessly. Got a 5 star guard coming in and Mutombo’s son so plenty of hope for next year...
  2. B

    Da Hoyas!

    It is like arguing with a two year old. At some point you just walk away.
  3. B

    Da Hoyas!

    Yes there were surely other coaches that you mention BUT Gtown went into the hoods, PLAYED the boys and the style of basketball that was Nasty. That is the point. Very similar to the canes. that is the point that I am making.
  4. B

    Da Hoyas!

    Rocking UM gear? That is your litmus test? You are saying that Michigan is more influential and more like the canes. I say NO way. Gtown went into southeast DC and other parts where NOBODY dared to go much like the canes did to assemble their team. Fab 5 happened because Gtown paved the way...
  5. B

    Da Hoyas!

    No! Gtown was the first team with a black coach to win a title. In addition to that Gtown brought in AND played black players wayyyyy before Michigan trotted out the fab five. In many ways Gtown paved the way for the fab 5 to be even a possibility. Love the fab five but Gtown was revolutionary...
  6. B

    Da Hoyas!

    Canes version of hoops phuch yeah