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  1. M

    Wonder if KU will be calling Lashlee

    Yes it’s a dumpster but if you look at it from a money standpoint etc. if they offer 4 year guarantee of like 2.5M a year. You gonna turn that down? He will OC about anywhere he wants if for some reason he can’t field a .500 team by year 4. A lot of leeway and if they got over .500 you’d be...
  2. M

    Wonder if KU will be calling Lashlee

    I would have to imagine he would field the call. KU is a dumpster but if you can get HC in a power 5 and make prob double the money. Would be tough to turn down. He will always land on his feet if it doesn’t work but unless he does something egregious as long as he can be competitive he’d be...