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  1. Andrew

    It's time to put your money where your mouth is....

    You are right, the potential is there but tapping into it is the problem. If money was available in South Florida then Miami would be able to raise money for facilities a lot faster than they have. Big Julio may have graduated from UM but him and his customers, who are largely out of state ND...
  2. Andrew

    It's time to put your money where your mouth is....

    Sure, and that certainly helps. I think it comes down to the cost of x brings in y revenue. More eyeballs means that you need less conversions but you also need lower cost to match smaller markets. The question is why wouldn't a company use more well known talent that brings in more revenue? All...
  3. Andrew

    It's time to put your money where your mouth is....

    You guys are insane if you think this helps Miami. All this does it make it easier for other schools to pay players. It also gives players a reason to decline Miami. Do you really think a player is going to choose Miami over a school that might be two or three times earning potential?