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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Yup me too. I was a sunshine pumper after Clemson. "If we'd got this bounce or that call, we'd have been close." Then I saw the turds dropped against Pitt and UVA. Just lazy play, especially on offense. Bakers D didn't outperform but defense was at least mediocre. Harley saved the game...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Clemson is the Harlem Globetrotters of the ACC and the rest of the teams are the Washington Generals. The ACC is quite happy that all the other teams are around for comedy entertainment, but there is no need for competition.
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Way better to blow it. The tiebreaker may come down to who played Clemson closer. If we'd been up by 2 TDs at half time then lost by 14, I'd say we acquitted ourselves pretty well. I don't have much of an issue with Miami getting beat because Clemson has superior talent. I have an issue...
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    I'd be happy if we were sitting here complaining that Miami played its a$$ off against Clemson but the W was stolen by the refs. Refs didn't help but on the list of problems in that game, it's down at the bottom of the list.
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Bro, is it just me, or do we have a lot of posters that are so dense that they don't understand that what we're talking about has nothing to do with how much effort Clemson has given or what players are missing?
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Goes higher, even up past Frenk. The issue is the BOT is full of cronyism and at the same time they refuse to pay top dollar. Not only do they pick the HCs, they also control what they can do with the staff. I think it was reported just after Diaz was hired that he wanted to fire Rumph, but...
  7. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    That's why Clemson always uses American Express to pay players. Dabo can still cancel the payments.
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    So many fans are missing the point. They keep saying, "Oh but Clemson doesn't care about BC." It's not a question of how Clemson has played. Miami has no control over how much effort Clemson will give. The only thing it can control is its own level of effort and preparedness. Miami neither...
  9. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    I think Clemson will win the game. Said that when BC was up by a lot. Point is that BC didn't crap their pants at the first snap of the game. Thats my bar for Miami. Just not ****ting itself. It's not much to ask but we have a lot of trouble with it.
  10. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    The dream scenario is Clemson loses this week and gets worked by ND. Miami wins out. There is no comparison of scores against common opponents needed or tiebreakers, ACC championship would be Miami ND. But as the weeks have gone by, I've grown increasingly disappointed at the lack of...
  11. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Scaife is a OT playing out of position. I can't explain why Miami has had so much trouble getting good interior linemen.
  12. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    He played a big part in the lack of development and/or talent at LB and CB. Yes we had Shaq and Pinkney for years, but Miami should always have depth and quality LBs ready to play immediately if one of those guys went down.
  13. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    I think if TL had been out for Covid in our game, Miami still would have played lazy, sloppy football. WRs haven't fought for passes all season, the OL wasn't suddenly going to be stronger, Lashlee’s unimpressive play calling would have been similar, and Baker would have played his bend don't...
  14. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Smart coaching. Another one of those things that has nothing to do with the time of the game or what players are missing.
  15. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Clemson could have had Joey Buttafuoco at LB against us and I think Lashlee would still have had trouble figuring out how to move the ball.
  16. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    The only comparison I'm making is effort and execution. Does the fact that it's a noon game and Clemson is missing players explain why BCs WRs are fighting for the football and their DL isn't lining up offsides? I have no doubt Clemson will win this game as I said, I'm not complaining that we...
  17. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    Pretty much summed up my feelings. It's not about the W or L, it's that BC looked competent and well coached out of the gate. Clemsons superior talent will probably take over and they will win (even without TL) . All I wanted to see from our game was coaching competence and players giving max...
  18. Handsome Squidbum

    OT: BC vs Clemson

    It's both great to see and tough to watch. Depressing that Miami can't recruit an OL like that. Richt was just collecting a paycheck.