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  1. Canesfreak2020

    Scaife Going Pro Early?

    I feel much more relaxed!
  2. Canesfreak2020

    Scaife Going Pro Early?

    All great points but our Juniors seem to be declaring for the NFL draft an awful lot lately without any regard for what is in their best interest. I completely agree with a guy being projected to be drafted in the first or second round going pro, but if you are not then it is best to return and...
  3. Canesfreak2020

    Scaife Going Pro Early?

    Lol! Your right my bad. I just asked the question because I think it would be big if we can get him to stay and anchor the line as a Senior, but you guys make a valid point--I shouldn't be worrying about that a year before it could even possibly happen, so my bad. My apologizes for the poor...
  4. Canesfreak2020

    Scaife Going Pro Early?

    You got me! You make a valid point. Im sorry I asked.
  5. Canesfreak2020

    Scaife Going Pro Early?

    We all know our offensive line sucked, but Scaife was probably our best offensive line this year. Do you think he goes pro as a Junior after next season?