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  1. Tad Footeball

    Julio Frenk Interview

    Yeahhhh, we actually are kinda Purdue.....minus the good engineering program. I just don't get how you're so resolute that it's an insane idea. His name was repeatedly floated last time to the extent that he was forced to issue a statement that he wasn't interested.
  2. Tad Footeball

    Julio Frenk Interview

    I'm not married to the Jeb Bush idea and I'll gladly take Stavridis and would LOVE Condi but the background in academics for that position isn't nearly as important as you make when you outright dismiss Bush. See Mitch Daniels as the current president of Purdue. Almost an exact same career...
  3. Tad Footeball

    Julio Frenk Interview

    There aren't any. I should've been more clear. I was just throwing his name out there as a personal preference because there were rumors (along with Stavridis) last time prior to giving it to Frenk.
  4. Tad Footeball

    Julio Frenk Interview

    Jeb Bush has no immediate future in the Republican Party so this would be a logical choice to replace Frenk- if those rumors are true. Stavridis is fine by me too. We'll probably give it to Debbie Wasserman Schultz or some clown that is currently a dean at Temple if history repeats itself.