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  1. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    Exactly. Two of our NCs were won with the early adopter of the spread.
  2. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    Chances of this: 5% Chances of this: 5% Chances of a good recruiter if we have another DB coach: 50% Chances of this: 5% Chances of this: 50% (being generous) Seems like double counting with the first point on stubbornness, so will skip this one. Seems improbable overall.
  3. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    oh, we can with with a better head coach. I just meant with Manny.
  4. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    No. Proven fact. Are you blind, or incapable of processing what you see?
  5. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    How would we know? We’ve had incompetents and retirees for 20 years.
  6. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    Out score your opponents, often enough to play for ACC titles regularly and win them often enough.
  7. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    Remember Dabo’s face shaking Golden’s hand? Can someone photoshop manny’s mug into that pic?
  8. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    That is really unfair to POTUS. Manny is much less talented.
  9. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    You don’t even think there is a 0.000001% chance? Wow. Depressing.
  10. Ethnicsands

    Optimists, pessimists and cucks

    Is there anyone here who seriously believes there is a greater than 50% chance Manny can win at Miami? If so, tell us what is needed for that to happen, and what the chances of those things happening are. If you think it’s possible but only 25% likely, say so. If you think it’s less than...