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  1. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    Who knew there were actual rules at the donkey show?! I thought audience participation was encouraged!
  2. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    I've been in Mexican prisons more civilized than most Brandsmarts during the holidays. Figures they'd hire Sanchez as a pitchman. I guess Bill Kamal's price was too high and El Gordo from El Gordo y la Flaca wanted paid double to do them in English and Spanish.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    Truth be told, I'd have taken Rick Barry in a second over Perry Clark and Frank Haith but he really is an arrogant dude. The arrogance is backed up by playing resume obviously but he also apparently thought that it would mean he'd just get handed college jobs.
  4. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    Yup. He's seemingly a despicable individual. His career should've been ended after he killed someone at Joe Robbie but sometimes Miami is conveniently either forgiving or of short memory.
  5. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    I was hoping this was Tommy as in Tommy Tuberville. Would be hilarious to have him be running against Jefferson Beauregard Sessions in Alabamy AND interviewing for the FSU job.
  6. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    That's exactly the job he should've transitioned to with us. Ala Barry Alvarez.
  7. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    Rick Sanchez's nephew.
  8. Tad Footeball

    Rumor: Mark Richt Interviewed for FSU Job

    Rick Barry is a more likely former Cane to get that job than Mark Rick. Dude almost dropped dead last month and spends his time tweeting about the health and diet changes he's making in an attempt to stay alive. He ain't taking THAT job. And God certainly didn't speak to him as he was walking...