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  1. C

    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    True but even with our schedule and talent no way he goes 1-11 at Miami if Richt went 10-3 with that same team in 2017
  2. C

    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    From 1-11 in 2017 with a path to a playoff spot in just 2 seasons. God **** that makes me sick. Who would’ve thought that lol
  3. C

    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    Ah I’ve heard the name but didn’t know he was there. Goes to show how one coach makes a huge difference.
  4. C

    How tf is Baylor good again so quickly?

    I haven’t paid attention to their coaching staff but just looked at their schedule and they have some decent wins. And if they win out which is unlikely but **** they would have a playoff spot. They would beat our ***. Smh WTF Miami. No excuses for this **** year in and year out when a private...