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  1. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Never said that. The number of teammates who knew (or didn't know) is not in any of those articles. You, however, said the whole team participated in cheating. And I believe Manny should be fired as could not be more clear from my posts in this site.
  2. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Have you read an investigation of the incident? Interviewed people? Or, as I suspect, are you merely making a logical leap without sufficient evidence?
  3. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Of course they can, and should be able, to make that decision. While I prefer due process, they are a private school and have every right to punish (or not) accordingly. And I can disagree with that decision.
  4. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    This is over the top. You can reach a point that almost anyone would agree constitutes "success" without resorting to unethical behavior. On this you are definitely correct from a practical standpoint.
  5. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    If I had to guess, multiple coaches were involved. But I wouldn't even use the word "most" without knowing considerably more information. Accusations are not evidence. Assumption of guilt based on someone's affiliation with an organization or a person is extremely dangerous.
  6. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    I might change my mind on the proportionality of cancelling a season if "everyone" were in on it, but that is not at all clear from those articles. I don't know who was in on it and who wasn't, but you chose to go ahead and state that "everyone" (i.e., HC, staff, parents, other players were)...
  7. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    I read 3 articles and did not see that in the evidence in any of them.
  8. Brains

    OT (well, kind of) Punishment Excessive?

    Punishing other kids, coaches, and parents for something one person did. Stupid as **** and has nothing to do with "integrity." It's just a weird and disproportionate reaction.