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  1. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    Nothing in life is “pure good“ or “pure bad”. Randy Shannon was a crappy head coach but I would take him back as a defensive coach any day. Golden was cheated by the University when they hid the Shapiro events from him while they hired him. Most coaches would’ve walked. The guy stuck with...
  2. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    Agree on Golden— he was dealt a HORRIBLE hand — he came in right when the Shapiro sh*t hit that fan. He was never given the proper respect for being LOYAL to The U — he could have easily sued the U to leave. But he KILLED his own reputation by stubbornly hanging on to his incompetent DC Dino...
  3. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    Yeah she does all sorts of howling...especially in a threesome with your lady..... sorry couldnt resist either!
  4. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    I *** mine BEFORE i post....
  5. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    I would take that 16/17 Defense back in a heartbeat.
  6. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    Yawn.... No debates from the Diaz haters.... They seem to always avoid arguments that involves facts...
  7. Liquidstoke

    Manny Diaz created a Top 3 defense within 3 years of arrival...

    He took Al Golden washouts, brought in recruiting juice and coaching intensity to get the Canes back into a Top 3 position within 3 years. It was too bad MR and JR weren't able to match that improvement on Offense or else the Canes wound have been among the ship contenders the past couple years...