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  1. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    1)Yes. He is multiplicitive in approach however he is not incorporating as much spread as I like. I like the pro spread the best. I like NFL passing concepts infused with variants in pace and a premium on space. I don't believe we have even seen any empty gun looks which I think Jarren would be...
  2. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    Same thing
  3. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    Very true. Euphoric high or catastrophic low after a game usually gets more clarity after film review. Then the resulting interviews seem to take suit.
  4. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    Listen you make a very compelling argument. I think you might have beaten me in court.
  5. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    Lots of abandonment of the fullback and i formation sure. I think my biggest concern is that the closer you are, the closer they are. Miami has had some issues with free hitters, some blitzes coming off from close press corners on tight wide receivers etc. Some of that gets minimized with space...
  6. Roman Marciante

    From the Perch: Central Michigan

    Here are some take away points from the video series this week and yesterday's game vs. Central Michigan. Miami offensive line took a step back after improving the past two weeks Struggles on third down continued and in part became worse as Miami is now 128th out of 130th on 3rd down...