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  1. DTP

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    Here's the thing. Schools like Alabama, Georgia and Clemson already have boosters cutting checks directly to players and their families. If they do it legitimately through some kind of event, what difference does it make? Their kids, at least the really good ones are getting paid either way. At...
  2. DTP

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    The money would not be coming from the school, athletic department or even the booster club. It would be private businesses paying the athletes to use their likeness for promotional purposes. There's more businesses here with more money to spend than there are in pretty much any other college...
  3. DTP

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    They're already paying their running back anyway. Making it legal for the kids to profit off their name doesn't make a difference for them. If anything, they're probably against it. They get away with doing things that others can't. When others can, it will level the field.
  4. DTP

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    The money would not be coming from the University or their boosters. The money would be coming from local businesses that would like to use UM athlete's image for promotional purposes. Jarren Williams could make a ton of money just by showing up to a local nightclub or bar for an evening (no...
  5. DTP

    California’s Far Pay to Play Bill

    This benefits programs in major markets over middle of nowhere college towns. Right now the "bag schools" have to rely on a network of boosters to pay for kids. Miami doesn't have that network of boosters even if they wanted to get serious in the bag game. However..... In a major metropolitan...