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  1. fraggle


    Oh, we are so sorry that you are so inconvenienced. Lose your pacifier?
  2. fraggle


    I don't put fumbling a fair catch on the coaches and our ST's gave up 0 yards return. Now Baxa missing is on him and he has to do better but since he did fair last year can't put that on coaching either. Penalties are on the players too and recruiting is his forte, look at what he got from the...
  3. fraggle


    Our glass is more than half full and how often has a big play been negated by some stupid official call, coaching can't eliminate that when other teams get away with such garbage. All I expect of the U is 100 percent effort from the team for 60 minutes and let the chips fall where they may...
  4. fraggle


    Hey, Rome was not built in a day and the Hurricanes that were great had growing pains, I lived through them and this is nothing in comparison to what we suffered before. You think we should've fired JJ after the Flutie game or and 8-5 season. Thank God the web wasn't popular then. Take pity...
  5. fraggle


    Those ripping Manny are failing to recognize the positives. Punting was broke, he fixed it. The offense was worse then broke and we see positive production. We lost two games that we had a chance to win on the last play of both games against quality opponents. The NC QB played better then...