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  1. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Now this is what u call propaganda and an agenda. The thread reads how it reads and u can’t change it. I said my opinion and U clearly attacked me with profanity, personal attacks, and derailed the thread. It’s all right there and now you are the victim and crying 😭 for help.
  2. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Nothing new. While you at it makes sure to include all your personal attacks as detailed in this very thread. And how you called me a “falafel making terrorist” and said I was in a “sleeper cell” because of my religious beliefs on this site just a few years ago on and was not reprimanded at all.
  3. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    So you would have called those posts and threads out for attempting to have an opinion (holding him accountable as a fan) on Perry’s behavior?
  4. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    It’s not odd, she is a well known American hero. U should go see the movie they just made about her to brush up on your history game.
  5. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    U purposely skipped an occurrence. A player lost a job, *didn’t show up for practice*, and is getting light backlash for it for the first time on this very thread. That’s off the field behavior and indiscretion. We should be taking about Jarren, our game plan, preparation and the first game. Not...
  6. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    It’s been that for 4 years now, so a better question is why are you just now bringing it up 😂 🤣 A very low grade deflection attempt.
  7. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Who said it was a literal job? U didn’t post this when there was 3 months of and hundreds of threads made to hold Perry accountable (as fans) for his off the field behaviors and indiscretions??
  8. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Straw man, deflection, and false narrative creation.
  9. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    😂 another defeat. Sorry but I’m not on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram I’ll leave that to U, but here on CIS, hate for Tate is not being widely propagated at all.
  10. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Exactly and I agree. What I’m asking is then why are there so many threads on this site that are calling out what we are not even doing here.
  11. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    I’m not promoting an agenda (I haven’t been posting AT ALL about the QB competition), but I ALWAYS expose agendas. Promoting entails being proactive and I have zero history of this. U said Tate is getting attacked on CIS, point me to where this is happening please, or are you who is really...
  12. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    So if you attempt to hold Tate accountable you are racist or race-baiting. I love how the actual definitions of these words have been hijacked. Race-baiting by definition is EXACTLY what you just did to me and CanesSince4Ever.
  13. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    U mad and been had a horse in the race (literally) It’s been obvious but you are too beta to admit it. Where is hate for Tate Martell being exhibited on CIS?
  14. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    On CIS, there are at least 7 threads defending Tate from attacks elsewhere on social media. There is exactly one thread that has survived being closed down, that actually gives an opportunity to address his absence from practice. This would be that 1 thread, and it can’t be labeled as “hate”...
  15. H

    Reports say Tate didn’t show for practice today

    Exactly! This dude is getting caped for soooooo hard right now to the tune of about 17 threads auditioning to be his new girlfriend or bodyguard. All these so called alpha, no nonsense posters hearts are bleeding for him and excusing the clear lack of moxie, poise, toughness, hard-work, and...