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  1. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    If our defense fails to outscore their offense then you can take another 1 month ban. If our defense outscored their offense I'll take a 3 month ban.
  2. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    I watch more games in one season than you've watched in your life.
  3. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    I'll take a 2 month ban if Miami pulls off the Orlando Miracle. Everyone else in this thread attacking me will take a 1 month ban if da Gata win.
  4. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    Imagine wanting to ban somebody because they don't think exactly like you!
  5. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    Neither do I!
  6. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    Are you excited for some Canes football or not?!
  7. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    We have a bye week after Florida playa
  8. Canes21

    6 Saturdays

    After tomorrow we got 6 Saturdays until we see our Canes back on the field. 8 Saturdays until their first win! I'm excited guys!