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  1. Tad Footeball

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Gus: I built them up so Feeley could tear em down. You guys know anyone that wants to buy a house in Miramar? The commute to the Gables ain't THAT bad. Lemme know. K thanks.
  2. Tad Footeball

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    Bailey was an alien. Genetic freak isn't even remotely strong enough a term to describe that dude.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    If that kid is disciplined enough to transform his body like that when given the right tutelage then I definitely have high hopes in his ability to commit to absorbing technical instruction.
  4. Tad Footeball

    Salute to Jordan Miller and Coach Feeley

    That's freakin' impressive. Looks like a different kid. Feeley not only got the kid ripped but cured his ashiness too. Gimme 10 more reps! 10 hit dat cocoa butter, son! We back!!!!